Tag Archives: vent cleaning service

How do you clean the inside of a dryer vent?

washer and dryer

How often should you clean your dryer vent?

You probably use it every day and you know the dryer vent to outside, but you may not have any idea how dryer vent works. While it isn’t necessary to know the mechanical workings of a dryer vent, knowing how to clean out the dryer vent and how often it is a must. Not just for the safety of your home, but for the longevity of the dryer.

 Dryer vent and duct cleaning is important to your family and home’s safety, and it also extends the life of the dryer and requires less energy to dry your clothes, saving you on energy bills. Experts recommend that dryer exhaust vents should be cleaned and inspected once a year for the average-sized family. The more laundry you do, you may need to consider clean out the dryer vent process two to three times a year. Why?

You empty the lint screen after each use, (or at least we hope you do!). Did you know that not all the lint accumulates on that screen though? Lint also works past that screen and on into the vent that goes outside. So, when we are recommending that you do an annual clean out the dryer vent, or more, it is to remove that flammable lint in that foil-like hose on the back of the dryer.

Over 15,000 fires in the United States is caused by the clothes dryer each year. A sure sign that your dryer needs a clean out the dryer vent is the time it takes for an average load of clothes or towels to dry.  When you need rerun the dry two to three times to get your average load of towels dry, it is time to clean the dryer vent.

Another indication that it is time to clean out the dryer vent, is if the external cabinet is hot to the touch, or the control panel. Before you check either of these two things, always disconnect the dryer from the electricity then check the vent.

How do you tell if your dryer vent is clogged? 

As lint builds up and clogs the system then pushes air back into the clothes dryer. Clothes get hot but stay damp, making you run the dryer over and over. Learn to know when your dryer vent needs cleaning isn’t obvious, so here we offer the following signs: 

  • Clothes are extremely hot – When a dryer can’t vent the hot air, it overheats. This puts stress on the blower, heating element, and other parts.
  • Increased drying time – If your clothes are getting dry in the normal time, clean out the dryer vent and have the vent inspected.
  • Outside of vent collecting debris and dust – If you’re noticing debris and dust on the exterior siding of the dryer vent, you need to schedule a time to clean out the dryer vent. If you’ve never done this before, the first time should be done by a professional.
  • Always empty the lint trap – If you’re not already, start emptying the lint trap after each use. If there is lint trap is empty, this indicates the airflow is decreased. This can usually be resolved after clean out the dryer vent is performed.
dryer vent connection

Why does my dryer vent keep getting clogged? 

There are different factors your dryer vent is clogged frequently, with the first one being the lint trap isn’t emptied after each use. While the lint trap can do an excellent job catching the lint, if it isn’t clean regularly, the lint will start getting sucked into the vent hose. If you know you the lint trap isn’t emptied as it should be, perform a clean out the dryer vent process three to four times a year.

Another cause the dryer to get frequently clogged are foreign the objects in the lint trap. Common in most busy households, family members will empty their pockets on top of the clothes dryer or washing machine. Items like coins, gum wrappers, keys or other items. They get sucked into the dryer vent and block the air and gas from properly exhausting out the vent.         

A frequent question that experts are asked is “Can a blocked dryer vent cause a fire?”, and the answer is yes. It cannot be repeated and stressed enough that the dryer lint trap needs to be cleaned after each use and no less than once a year, a clean out the dryer vent process should take place either by the homeowner in the instructions we provided or hiring a professional. Need dryer vent cleaning service in North Plainfield and Bridgewater, NJ? Dial (908) 755-2950 today for DRX DUCT LLC.

nj seo

How do you know if your air duct needs cleaning?

air ducts in a commercial warehouse

Quality Duct Work Cleaning

As a business owner, you have enough concerns from day-to-day business, customers, employees, and more. If that business is a manufacturing plant or has a warehouse, you have extra concerns about the air inside your business. So, another task for you is to find a company that does commercial air duct cleaning services.

Finding a business that offers commercial air duct cleaning services will clear the debris and dirt that collects daily. Even if you have a cleaning staff that wipes things down each evening, the debris and dust particles get sucked into the HVAC ventilation system. This is the air that your customers and employees are breathing all day.

There are many benefits to expect by hiring a commercial duct cleaning company: 

  • Improved Energy Efficiency: As a business owner, you don’t want to spend more money than necessary on utilities. When the HVAC becomes clogged with debris, dirt, and dust. It is working harder to cool or heat the building, and that adds up on the electric bill. By having your HVAC system and vents professionally cleaned regularly, it will help reduce your energy expenses.
  • Offensive Orders Eliminated: The debris, dirt, and dust that collect in your HVAC system are just part of what can collect in there. When an employee burns popcorn or a process of your manufacturing emits odors, they get stuck in the vent system. This will float through the air of the entire building, making it unpleasant for everyone, including your customers. A professional air duct company will have the needed commercial duct cleaning equipment to thoroughly clean the vents that will eliminate the odor and the source causing the odors.
  • Stop Mold Growth: HVAC systems are notorious for collecting organic substances that mildew and create mold. If left unattended, the mold will feed on itself and grow. A professional commercial air duct cleaning company will remove the debris, dirt, dust, and other objects that create the mildew and mold.     

What is the best duct cleaning method?

The following are the three most common methods for commercial air duct cleaning:  

  • Air Sweep – Also referred to as Power Vacuum, is the most expensive process and the most meticulous method. Of the three methods, this one does the best job by carefully removing dirt.
  • Point of Contact – This process is less expensive and safer for the air ducts and vents than the above-mentioned process, although it uses a vacuum with a spinning brush, it is not as thorough.
  • Source Removing – Of the three methods, it is the most common for air duct cleaning. It is a mechanical agitation that loosens the debris, dirt, and dust, safely extracting it entirely.

Is duct cleaning messy?

Yes, the commercial air duct cleaning process is characteristically messy. It is important to clarify the company you hire takes the preventive steps that will prevent any debris, dirt, and dust from escaping throughout your office. This should include covering their shoes, themselves, and the flooring.

Does duct cleaning remove mold?

A common complaint in the workforce is mold present in the HVAC system, and it is a sneaky thing to get rid of. Not only does it grow, but it proliferates, making your customers and employees sick. A professional commercial air duct cleaning company should use a disinfectant specifically labeled for HVAC by the EPA. This disinfectant cleans nonporous surfaces of any moisture, mold and other debris and dirt.

Does duct cleaning remove the smell?

Regardless of what the nature of our business is, the air ducts in the office and warehouse will collect debris, dirt, dust, and odors. These odors may be coming from chemical solutions that are used in the plant. Professional commercial air duct cleaning will eliminate old toxins that resurface as well as any new toxins that your company is placing in the air.

Professional commercial air duct cleaning will reduce the airborne pathogens that are causing your customers and employees to respiratory distress. For employees that have a sensitivity to airborne objects like pollen, minimizing asthma triggers or allergy attacks.

How long should duct cleaning take?

On average, a commercial air duct cleaning service can provide a proper and thorough cleaning that can take two to four hours for a single system with ten to fifteen vents. There are factors that can affect this, such as any repairs or replacement of parts like vents.

angled ductwork

Is duct cleaning a waste of money?

A professional commercial air duct cleaning every 5 to 7 years is not a waste of money for any business. Clean HVAC duct systems provide your place of a business clean air for our customers and employees. Your employees will have a better work record with less sickness by removing the mold and mildew and keep it from spreading further.

The results from hiring a professional commercial air duct cleaning company will give your business clean, pure air for customers and employees to benefit.  As mentioned earlier, having this service performed every 5 to 7 years is strongly recommended by the NADCA. Call (908) 755-2950 today for your air duct cleaning in North Plainfield and Bridgewater, NJ.

What is Dryer Vent Cleaning?

Vent Cleaning

Should I clean dryer vent?

Are you having a problem with your dryer clothes not fully drying in your dryer? Hold off on calling someone in to repair the dryer. The dryer may not be broken. You may just need to have a dryer Vent Cleaning in NJ. Dryer vents can get clogged with lint and other debris, which can cause your dryer to stop drying your clothes properly. 

Dryer vent cleaning should be a part of regular home maintenance. Cleaning the vent will help keep the dryer running properly and your clothes drying normally in a regular cycle. In some cases, a clean vent may help your clothes dry faster. Dryer vent cleaning also lessens the risk of a dryer fire. 

How often should a dryer vent be cleaned?

You should clean your dryer vent regularly, at least twice per year. The spring and fall are good times to have it cleaned out. Along with cleaning the lint trap with each use, twice-yearly dryer vent cleaning will help keep your dryer running properly. It can also help prevent dryer fires, which occur when the dryer vent clogs and causes the dryer to overheat.

To make sure your dryer runs properly, schedule a regular dryer vent cleaning in North Plainfield and Bridgewater, NJ with the air duct cleaning professionals at DRX DUCT LLC. Call us today at (908) 755-2950 to schedule services.

How do you tell if your dryer vent is clogged?

Usually, when your dryer vents are clogged, you’ll begin to notice it takes twice to three times as long for your clothes to dry. You may also notice your clothes are not completely dry because the vent is unable to let the air out of the dryer. 

On the other hand, if your clothes are completely dry, they may be way too hot or the dryer itself may be too hot. This may also be a sign the dryer vent is clogged. Another sign your vent is clogged is a burning smell. This indicates the lint is getting too hot, the dryer is working too hard, getting hotter than it should, burning the lint, and creating a major fire hazard.

Who does dryer vent cleaning

What is dryer vent cleaning and who does it? To answer the last question first: While homeowners can clean dryer vents themselves, getting a professional out will ensure the vent is thoroughly clean. NADCA technicians and companies like DRX DUCT LLC that specialize in cleaning air ducts will have the skilled professionals with the right tools to get the vent cleared.

Dryer vents can be anywhere between five and 40 feet long, and may have elbow joints and bends that will require special care to ensure lint and other debris are removed properly. Technicians use vacuums and snake brushes to get inside the vent pipe to clear away and clean the debris that clogs the vent. A professional can also run a diagnostic test once the vent is cleaned to test pressure, the amount of gases that escape into the home, and whether or not there are any gaps in the ventilation.

No matter whether it’s your dryer vent or roof vents, good ventilation is essential for your home. Good ventilation on your roof helps keep your home comfortable and energy efficient.

How do you clean a dryer vent?

Dryer vent cleaning requires the right tools and is best performed by a professional. The process is outlined below.

How dryer duct cleaning is accomplished:

  • Once the dryer duct is located, the dryer needs to be disconnected.
  • Vacuum the back of the dryer and visible debris from the duct.
  • Use a flexible lint brush with multiple segments to insert into the duct and duct pipe and spin it to clear out debris and lint. Professionals also use vacuum tubes to ensure the vent is cleaned thoroughly.
  • Follow up by cleaning the debris up and reconnecting your dryer.

How much does it cost to have someone clean your dryer vent?

Costs for dryer vent cleaning will vary depending on which company you choose. The average costs range from $125 to $175. Labor charges may apply. Some services will charge a flat rate if the cleaning is part of another service. Additional services like a diagnostic may cost extra.

A Clean Dryer Vent Hose.

Dryer vent cleaning and repair

Cleaning your dryer vent is essential to ensuring your dryer works properly. It’s also essential to prevent dryer fires, which can cause extensive damage to property and people. You also want to make sure your vent pipes and ducts are in good shape as well and any repairs are made as soon as possible. When you’re looking for affordable and thorough dryer vent cleaning in North Plainfield and Bridgewater, NJ, you can always depend on the professionals at DRX DUCT LLC. Schedule a service with us by calling (908) 755-2950.

Having an Allergic Reaction? There Could be Mold in Your Air Ducts!

Air conditioner system with dirt

Symptoms of Allergic reaction caused by Indoor Air Pollution:

  • Worsening asthma, allergies, and other respiratory problems
  • Headaches & nausea
  • Shortness of breath
  • Sinus congestion, sneezing, and coughing
  • Eye, skin, nose, and throat irritations
  • Memory loss, dizziness, fatigue, and depression

Are you or any of your household members suffering from any of the symptoms
listed above?

A majority of people are exposed to mold every day without experiencing any side effects.
However, people that already have preexisting mold allergies can have a reaction if they are
subject to an abundant amount of mold; with symptoms such as wheezing, rashes or hives,
itchy eyes, and respiratory failure. “One out of every six allergy sufferers’ symptoms can be
directly linked to the mold in air ducts.” cited from a 2005 study organized by the National
Institutes of Health in Total Health Magazine.

How to Avoid Mold Growth in Your Air Ducts

As you can see, the air ducts in your home are the biggest culprit. When the air conditioning system
cools down your home it leaves remnants of water inside causing a perfect environment for microbial

The EPA advises that you should have your ducts cleaned if there is noticeable mold growth on
the surface of your ducts, but there are many areas of your HVAC system that are not easily
visible. In order to bypass mold growth in your HVAC system, you must diminish origins of
moisture and have your air ducts cleaned as needed.

Eliminating and Preventing Mold in Air Ducts

  • Get your HVAC system checked out by a NADCA certified company-having the ducts
    cleaned by a NADCA certified company ensures that you will have your ducts cleaned by
    industry standards.
  • Set your air conditioning system on “recirculate” – by doing this, your system will extract
    most of the mold & pollen from your home.
  • Consider having hardwood floors or tile in your home as opposed to carpet.
  • Before entering your home take off shoes or wipe them thoroughly before entering.

Schedule Your Air Duct Cleaning Today!

Is it time to schedule a cleaning for your home’s air duct system? Seasonal cleaning could help you prevent an unpleasant allergic reaction. Give the DRX DUCT LLC team a call today at (908) 755-2950 to schedule your air duct cleaning in North Plainfield and Bridgewater, NJ. You’ll enjoy cleaner air in no time!

Will Duct Cleaning Remove Mold in Air Ducts?

mold in air ducts

If Moisture Gets Into Your Duct work, It Can Lead To Mold Growth.

Both home and business owners know that mold in air ducts or around the home is a serious issue within their property. Mold is started from spores which can be carried through doors, windows, and even your ductwork to inside your building and, given the right environment, can grow, leading to health issues for all of those within the building. Minimizing and eliminating mold at the first sign is important, which is why it is so important that businesses and homes have regular duct cleaning services. Ducts can be affected by many things and since they carry spores throughout the property may have some mold spores within them as well. If any moisture gets in the system, given a change of temperature or even a roof leak which can create a lot of damage in a short time and may seep into the ductwork itself, it may allow the mold to grow. Duct cleaning can reduce and stop mold in its tracks, removing the spores and even any growing mold from your system.

How Often Should You Clean the Air Ducts?

While getting regular air duct cleaning is the best thing to do, you may wonder how many times you really need this service. The number of times you may need cleaning will vary upon your needs, but a good rule of thumb is that any time you move, having the ducts cleaned is imperative. This will ensure any pollutants, dust, and even mold in air ducts is handled before you move into your new home or business. After this, the average for air duct cleaning is as needed, such as in the event of high pollen or if mold is discovered within the property, with an average of three years between cleanings. This will ensure your property maintains good quality indoor air and keeps the mold in air ducts at bay.

Why Get Your Ducts Cleaned?

A good cleaning will do more than just get rid of mold in air ducts! Over time, ductwork can get dirty. Because it passes so much air through it, it also inherently passes particles of dust, dirt, pollen, and more, which can land in the ducts and build up over time. These can be particularly harmful to individuals in your home or business. A good cleaning can handle these, returning quality to your indoor air and preventing health issues. Once all of these damaging particles are removed from your system you may even notice increased efficiency from your heater or air conditioner, as it will have fewer contaminants to contend with. This means that you will save on money during the intense seasonal shifts.

Commercial and Residential Duct Cleaning

Getting started on an air duct cleaning today can ensure you have a future with quality air conditioning and air quality. DRX DUCT LLC is here for you, providing you with services to get your ductwork back in top shape and even eliminate mold in air ducts! We are always ready to get to work on your home or business system in North Plainfield and Bridgewater, NJ. Give us a call at (908) 755-2950 today!

How Much Does Air Duct Cleaning Cost?

There are a lot of companies out there that promise a professional air duct cleaning service for a low amount of money. Chances are if it is too good to be true, it probably is. These companies are called “bait & switch” companies. They promise low prices and once they’re in your home they’ll find other problems or issues and up the price astronomically (most times without completing the job thoroughly). Also, try and stay away from companies that charge per vent. Most companies that pull these types of schemes are not certified by NADCA (National Air Duct Cleaners Association). Even if you are hiring a company that claims to be certified by NADCA, be sure to ask whether a NADCA certified technician will be on-site during the time of your service.

The fact of the matter is that the cost of an air duct cleaning depends on the home that you live in. A small home with one system will cost less than a larger home with more than one system. The least amount of money that you will pay to have your ducts cleaned properly is anywhere from $400-$500 and the most that you’ll wind up paying is around $1,000.

What’s Included With Air Duct Cleaning


  • Supply vents
  • Return vents
  • Trunk lines (both of them)
  • Visual inspection of major components in your furnace
  • Visual inspection of your evaporative coil
  • Wipe down the furnace cabinet and the surfaces inside

There are a few things that wouldn’t necessarily be included in a regular duct cleaning service. Sometimes the furnace will need a more in-depth cleaning than the standard wipe down that is included in a duct cleaning service. The more in-depth cleaning would entail taking out the blower from the furnace- although, some furnaces you cannot take the blower out of. Another would be an evaporative coil cleaning; this coil sits on the top of the furnace, which should be inspected at the time of your duct cleaning service.

Essentially, it’s in your best interest to find a trustworthy company that is NADCA certified. Be sure to visit the NADCA website and see the full list of certified technicians in your area. For more information about air duct cleaning service, or to schedule yours, call us today at (908) 755-2950.

How To Tell If There Is Mold Growth In Your Building

Mold growth is common in houses and businesses. Often on shower curtains, bathroom tile walls, and in kitchen drains, mold and mildew are anywhere there is water. Oftentimes, mold growth is hidden inside walls from leaks or any place where moisture just sits, giving plenty of food for mold to live on and grow. Some molds can be toxic, but all can produce unpleasant symptoms. Here are some ways to tell if there is mold inside your building:

Mold Growth In Your Home Or Business Can Produce Allergy-Like Symptoms

Mold Growth In Your Home Or Business Can Produce Allergy-Like Symptoms

How To Detect Mold Growth

A Musty Smell

You know when you have left dishes in the sink for too long and they start to smell? That’s mold. That type is easily to notice and clean, but if there is a musty smell in the basement or coming from the walls, then there is a leak from a broken pipe.

Physical Symptoms

Sneezing, trouble breathing, irritated eyes and skin, and runny noses are caused by mold spores floating in the air. Toxic mold can cause headaches, trouble concentrating, memory loss, and dizziness. Find the source of the mold, get it removed, and watch as your ailments instantly disappear.

The most common form of a large amount of mold growth is from water leaks in your HVAC or waterline piping systems. The technicians at DRX DUCT LLC offer commercial duct cleaning to help clean out vents of mold and spore growth. DRX Duct Cleaning has been specializing in commercial air duct cleaning services in NJ for over 25 years. If you think your building is suffering from poor indoor quality, give us a call and we will be more than happy to perform an inspection and determine if air duct cleaning and HVAC remediation may be necessary to cure your building’s healthy! Call us at 908.755.2950 for mold growth removal in North Plainfield and Bridgewater, NJ.

Do Animals in Air Ducts pose a Threat ?

Squirrels and other animals might look cute and cuddly, but do these Animals in Air Ducts pose a risk? You might have recently heard thumping or scratching in the attic and wondered if the critters in your attic might be harming anything.

Animals in Air Ducts

Mice can chew through air ducts.

Animals in Air Ducts often damage air ducts, electrical wiring, air conditioning units, insulation, roofs, and the list goes on. Raccoons, squirrels, rats, and mice could be destroying your air ducts or ruining the air quality in your home.

How do they pose a risk to your air ducts?

During the winter and summer months, animals search for warm or cool spots to find shelter. Usually, the air ducts carry air conditioned temperatures making them prime targets for animals to take refuge from the extreme temperatures.

Unfortunately, ducts provide excellent passageways into your home. Rodents and other creatures crawl through the ducts to move around the house chewing holes through the ducts and loosening connections.

As the creatures live and die in your air ducts in your home, they leave behind excrement and even their own dead bodies. These two things cause terrible smells throughout your house and even pose health concerns.

What can you do about Animals in Air Ducts ?

There are several solutions to getting rid of creatures in the attic. Here are some popular methods:

  • Traps
  • Poison
  • Ultrasonic devices that emit sound frequencies inaudible to humans
  • Professional animal removal

When you suspect that the creatures have gotten into your air ducts, you need to call the professionals immediately. The animals could cause more damage to the air ducts.

If you recently had creatures in the attic, let the professionals make sure the animals didn’t ruin your air ducts.  DRX DUCT LLC make sure your ducts are clean. Contact us today at (908) 755-2950 to find out more about our air duct cleaning service.

Dampers, What Are they And What Should I Do With Them?

What Are Dampers And What Should I Do With Them?

Learn What Dampers Are and What To Do With Them.

A lot of air ducts systems contain dampers within the duct work. The purpose of the dampers is to control air flow, which in turn affects the temperature in the room. Rooms that either face the sun, or contain a lot of windows may need more AC in the summer, but less heat in the winter. A room with minimal to no sun exposure may need more heat, but less AC. This is where the dampers do their work.

Dampers are usually found where the main trunk line connects to the supply duct. (ductwork that supplies air to various areas of your home). You will see a lever that can be turned to adjust the position of the damper. You’ll want to turn this to a fully open position. If your dampers need to be adjusted seasonally, you may find it helpful to use a marker and mark the ductwork with what position the lever is in and mark its position optimal flow. It is also a good idea to write which area of your home this particular duct services.

Once the damper is open, go to the room it services (be sure the register or vent is fully open) and check the air flow. If you feel it is sufficient, leave the damper in this position. If it is a particularly sunny or warm space, you might want to adjust the damper. Repeat this process throughout your home until you have achieved your desired air flow.

Also, remember not to close off the dampers on your vent covers as they are the breathing point for your system. Restricting air to and from the furnace could put a heavy workload and increase pressure on your HVAC system!

If you need air duct cleaning in New Jersey, call DRX Duct today at (908) 755-2950 for a NADCA certified technician.

Dryer Vent Cleaning Services for Your Home

Dryer Vent Cleaning Services for Your Home

DRX Duct Dryer Vent Cleaning Services In New Jersey!

With over 15,000 dryer-related fires each year, it’s vital to stay on top of routine dryer vent cleaning services in NJ.  When lint from the dryer clogs the duct, it’s blocking the dryer’s ability to ventilate. This puts your home at risk for a fire.  Dryer lint is highly flammable and can cause deadly fires when left to accumulate. Regular dryer vent cleaning services help prevent these dangerous and costly fires, reduces dryer downtime, and keeps your dryer functioning properly and efficiently.
At DRX Duct Cleaning, we use truck-powered vacuums, and unique tools that are a cut above the rest.  We never skimp on our equipment, and we are committed to providing both excellent customer service and top-quality duct cleaning with your satisfaction always guaranteed. We are NJ’s most exclusive duct cleaners, proudly serving the greater NJ area for over 10 years, with a staff with over 75 years combined experience in the air duct cleaning and HVAC industry. Not only are we members of the National Air Duct Cleaners Association, but we always guarantee a NADCA certified technician on-site at every job every time, with no exceptions.

At DRX Duct Cleaning, we use truck-powered vacuums, and unique tools that are a cut above the rest.  We never skimp on our equipment, and we are committed to providing both excellent customer service and top-quality duct cleaning with your satisfaction always guaranteed. We are NJ’s most exclusive duct cleaners, proudly serving the greater NJ area for over 10 years, with a staff with over 75 years combined experience in the air duct cleaning and HVAC industry. Not only are we members of the National Air Duct Cleaners Association, but we always guarantee a NADCA certified technician on-site at every job every time, with no exceptions.

We put forth the effort that’s necessary to provide consistently exceptional service! At DRX Duct Cleaning, we make sure the job is done promptly, properly, and thoroughly every time for every job from residential air duct cleaning or commercial air duct cleaning, to dryer vent cleaning services, and even chimney inspection and cleaning, too. You can count on us.

Protect Your Home and Your Family From Costly Fires

When you call DRX Duct Cleaning to schedule your dryer vent cleaning, we’ll remove trapped lint, animal nests, articles of clothing, and whatever else may be obstructing the dryer vents in your house.  We use our high-powered vacuum trucks to perform the dryer vent cleaning, and we always test to be sure that the full length of the dryer vent is clean before we leave your property.
For more information about the importance of getting your dryer vent cleaned regularly, or to schedule your dryer vent cleaning NJ with DRX Duct Cleaning, contact us at (908) 755-2950 today!